Consequences of a backyard kinda life find out
Paisley Rose
Full of bloody sores, scratching herself to death find out
Lola Joy
In house for three weeks with her dead human mother find out
Thanks To You...

Your generous donations allow us to save dogs who are highly adoptable as well as those who arrive in poor condition.
Thanks to your ongoing support many, many dogs are trading certain neglect and possible euthanasia for new lives in permanent homes.
Check out their stories….and remember there are others still patiently waiting to be adopted.
Wandering the streets with thousands of fleas find out
Covered in thousands of ticks -- survived vampire hell find out
Jamie Lee
Hit by car and burried alive -- never gave up find out
Lee Lee
4 months young puppy eye injured and dumped find out
Sugar Jane
Dumped to die and yet loves everyone find out
Deveroux worries about best friend's gravel pile find out
Starved and abandoned with a great prognosis find out
Noble little soul with a fighting chance find out
Loveable Pug mix dumped like sour grapes find out
Sweet pea with a strange pee pee situation find out
Eye for an eye for a neglected Tzu boy find out
Baby boy with extreme bulging eyes find out
Truly Rose
Neglect and surrender with a twist find out
Cancer girl with a new outlook on life find out
Brave little "lion" has a broken heart find out
Sweet yorkie with a bad skin condition find out
Toby Maguire
Run over by a golf cart, both hind legs smashed find out