Copyright © Shih Tzu Rescue 1995 - All rights reserved.
Shih Tzu Rescue, Inc is a 501 (c) (3) Public Charity.
Lola Joy
- Treatment: $500 + Loads of TLC
- Reason: anemia, broken heart
- I Can Help:

Toni, one of our favorite people, called to tell us terrible news about her neighbor, that she'd been found dead in her house, had died approximately 3 weeks earlier and, worst of all, that her little dog was found with her in the silent house...dirty, lethargic, anemic and terrified. We immediately told Toni we'd take the dog, knowing nothing about him/her but wanting to help him/her after such an awful ordeal. Which is how little Lola Joy, an adorable 10 yr old small black & white Lhasa girl came to us, delivered from the vet's office the next morning.
A neighbor had brought her to the vet immediately after the police broke into the house...she had stayed for 3 days until she was stable enough to travel. Toni is sending her leash, with her name engraved on it, some of her other possessions. Little Lola Joy was loved and cared for most of her life. Until this terrible tragedy. She's safe with us now and we're doing our very best to erase her horrible memories. We must find someone to love her enough to make her happy for the rest of her life.
It is very expensive to keep her and all of the others in our care vetted, fed, groomed, exercised, interested, happy. We can only do this with your support. Only with your help will we be able to take in more sweet helpless little dogs in terrible trouble.
Please help us help these innocent souls by making a tax deductible donation to Shih Tzu Rescue, Inc. Donations can be made through PayPal or by mail to Shih Tzu Rescue; 4474 Weston Rd., #175; Davie; FL; 33331.
Shih Tzu Rescue is a Non-Profit NO KILL organization that has cared for and rehomed thousands of homeless dogs since 1998 and is presently caring for 98 at the shelter/sanctuary we have maintained since 2002. We desperately need your financial support to continue our work.