How are you? Busy, I bet!

My name is Mousse, I am a Shih Tzu boy, I am a lucky boy, who's wish you made come true last year around this time, when I found my forever home. I'm writing you today to remind you of this special place and of all the doggies living there right now. These nice people let them stay there, as they have all come across some sadness in their lives and don't really have anyplace to call home right now...

They have all been very good all year, trying not to bark too much, and share their food so no one is hungry, and all of them can have full bellies.
All they want to do is give love, and maybe someday have someone to
love them too, Santa do you think you and your elves can help?
They have all talked, and were wondering, instead
of toys this year, do you think maybe you
could use your magic to help them with
donations? You see, this is all that keeps
their home there going, without them they
have no place to live..again...

Thank you Santa, Mousse & friends

PS: Merry Christmas to you and your family! Is
there room at the North Pole for a Tzu? Or TWO??:)